Crystal Former

Crystal Former

Liquid-liquid diffusion to generate crystallization reagents

Ideal for crystal reproduction, optimization or limited initial screening

Direct access to crystals for harvesting


Key advantages

- High output redefined - maximum crystallization probability on one plate

- Simple to use, no external equipment is required, automatable, ready to add to any workflow

- Low protein consumption

- Direct access to crystals for harvesting

The original Crystal Former is a microfluidic device for protein crystallization that exploits the favorable physical conditions occuring at the microscale. This environment, when combined with the Crystal Former's special materials, unique surface treatment, and proprietary mixing kinetics substantially improve crystallization succes.

This format of the Crystal Former is ideal for the reproduction and optimization of crystallization conditions obtained in the High Throughput Crystal Formers as the crystallization.

This format comprises 16 microchannels on the footprint of a standard microscope slide


Setup of the Crystal Former" chips. A) 0.3 ¼L protein solution is loaded to the inlet and the microfluidic channel is automatically primed with the solution. B) All reaction channels arefilled with protein solution. C)Precipitant solutions are added to the opposing inlets. D) Chip is sealed with provided tape to prevent dehydration.

The Crystal Former XL (Scale-up) is ideal for the reproduction and optimization of crystallization conditions obtained in the High Throughput or Original Crystal Formers as the crystallization microchannels of the Scale-up chip are larger than those of the screening formats.

The High Throughput Crystal Former comprises 96-microchannels. It is fully SBS-compliant with a low profile, stackable skirt. The format is suitable for use with a broad range of crystallization and imaging robots, as well as manual set-up and inspection.

Product code Description Size
CF-O-20 Original crystal former 20 pcs
CF-XL-20 Crystal former scale-up 20 pcs
CF-HT2-10 SBS High Throughput Crystal former 10 pcs
CF-HT2-50 50 ps